Re-financing question

its worth 16 trade 17 private

okay? i’m selling it for what i owe.

I’d rather quite, lol

well looks like you’re quitting and i’m taking the bus :stuck_out_tongue:

Good where so cool it hurts, lol Literly

spelling > you lol


do you think someone will buy the car for what you owe and not what they can go finance theres for? no one here is going to lay 18k out cash. so they have to get a loan and now they are paying upwards of 20 sorry common sense is stupid

its worth a shot.

i need to sell it for what i owe. i cant afford to pay off the rest of the loan. simple as that

And cars > you lol… where stopping this now


ebay it.

usually if you refin, you need to pay all the interest for that loan period up front or there is some kind of fee either way you look at it… from what i heard from my bank… or something like that… some one correct me if im wrong. some times its not worth it to refin. call your lender and ask is there are any fees first.

you might want to try a credit union… i got 4% on my bmw

now if you sell it, for exactly what you owe, you still need to buy another car, and by the looks of it you don’t have any money saved up correct?

What happens if you can’t sell it and you end up upside down on it?
This is why people should look into the future when taking out a loan.

How does someone buy a new car, finance it, and not know the interest rate? Basically you went and and bought a car without know how much you even paid for it.

And now you’re really stuck because you didn’t put enough down and will be upside down on the loan for most of the loan term. It’s going to cost you at least 2 grand out of pocket to get rid of this car.

Anytime you have to quantify a financial decision with the words “right now”, :bloated:

I’ll bet $100 that it is too late…


unfortunately new car buyers are more interested in the Monthly payments than the amount of loan and the Rate their paying.

What is that? Now might be a good time to take stock in everything. I think I remember shaking my head when I read on here that you’re 19, have a financed Cobalt SS, another turbo project?, and a bunch of credit card debt?

None of that is any of my business, so don’t feel like I’m asking you to post your personal financial information. You probably shouldn’t as it will just chase the napoleon complex flamers out of the woodwork.

I’m just saying that your car payment problem might be one part of a bigger problem. Now might be a good time to take a hard look at where you want to go and how you’re going to get there.

You’re young. (Not that I’m not. I’m not trying to come across as all mature/superior.) The decisions you make now will have a long impact on your future.

so? the world is gonna end in 2012 aint it? Why plan for anything?

I wouldn’t want to die in a 6 year old Cobalt. :shrug:

Yet, here you are implying that you’d rather die in a 10 yr old cavalier…