finally killed chainsaw with a coop bud. still can’t do it solo. i’m liking the game. then i d/l fear 2. good game too.
I don’t like that you can’t move around and shoot, they could of done better, but I did enjoy it. I didn’t kill chainsaw fggt yet either… Yet!
Have you ever played resident evil though? It has always been like that.
yes every RE has been like that, u just hold your ground and shoot, hence AIM for the head
I know the past RE’s are like that, but i think it would of been more fun if they allowed you to run and gun like most Shooters. It kinda looks dumb when your trying to survive and zombies are coming at you and you just stand in the same spot and shoot…
I think they limited the movement to make the experience more scary since you are in a hurry trying to aim while a zombie is running at you.
Yeah it makes it more difficult for sure but it isnt a shooter so right there is what makes it different than gears for example.
If anyone has been paying attention they are saying they have a new controlling system which is gears orientated, like shooting while running etc.
woulda been out with the demo then chris for us to try
Well it isn’t in the demo yet. Well have to see how it works at launch.
ok it’s fun. but i’m bored already. :: waits impatiently for launch ::
RE has always been a survival horror game, not a true shooter.
so it comes out friday.
read an intersting article in usa today regarding possible racist imagery. Not that it’s a “racist” game…but it does depict a lone white guy and his latina sidekick brutally destroying a fictional african village. i could see where some might have issue with that.
Those games are the best, I just played Code Veronica last night for the billionth time. I def wanna check this out…
Did it say what characters are in it?
G4 did a piece of this before they changed the lead female character. They viewed it as racist as well but in all honesty its a different setting. RE4 was in some eastern european village no one complained that there was an american killing pollaks or whatever the hell they were. The game is set in africa thats what you’ll find there. If you are familir with adam sessler he took major offense to the game and he was interviewing a black guy when they did the piece so i think he wanted to look as PC as possible which really made him look like a sap in my opinion. Anyway having played the game and at present cound i think i have massacred about 2,459 africans but i swear they had it coming.
Hey what system do you have Veronica for?
I just played RE2 again, played all story lines and characters.
Such a good game.
pretty sure code veronica is only for the ps2
Originally came out for Dream Cast and afterwards it came out for Game Cube.