Retard explains to shiftwhat Vtakkk is

I did not degrade you until you insulted my intelligence.

and btw Cliff DOES know my daughters father and I could easily prove it.

Prove it, please.

I in alot of my posts told cliff to take it elsewhere and he just kept going, I even sent him a private message asking him nicely to please stop, so why am I looking like the childish one? Im sure most of you have gf’s too, would you let someone talk to them like that?

If you keep posting, I’ll keep responding. If anyone keeps posting, I’ll keep responding. I’m not going to stop.

I did not air out my “dirty laundry” for all of shift to read, I was simply trying to prove that I dont have all of the resources cliff said I did.

Tricia, this is actually quite hilarious. What resources did I claim you have that you don’t? And you did air out allll your dirty laundry for shift to read. What did I EVER bring up that you didn’t post here?

I never bashed the OP, in fact other ppl called the car a pile of shit, PR car, blah blah blah, all I said was it wasnt worth 800 and I pointed out why.

You did. People are even seeing that… your post was arrogant, rude, and inappropriate.

Im not a crybaby, I just do not allow ppl to bash me, Im not going to just sit here and ignore it.

And I don’t allow people to bash me either. You insulted me first… don’t forget that.

I can gaurantee that if Cliff didnt know my daughters father and didnt sorta know me he would have never said half the shit he did.

…Can you guarentee that? Please, tell me how I know your daughters father. Fill me in on that one…

im sorry as I said in 3 posts for it going offtopic and I asked him to take it else where, but like I said he kept it going so…

Two way street. You kept it going too.

If you are going to think I am a crybaby or whatever for sticking up for myself, after being told I spread my legs and earn money, then you are not men.

And it was my retaliation for you insulting me, and attacking me. You sit there and make it sound like you live with your boyfriend just to save money. That hes nothing more than a roommate… If you wanna sit here and insult my intelligence, tell me I’m stupid… I’ll get even more brutal with the shit I say.

Cliff has a serious issue with me, this is the 2nd time he has gone off and bashed me. Ive worked hard to be where I am now, and dont deserve to be put down.

What serious issue is that? Trust me, if I had a serious issue I would be going after you in every single post you made. In nearly two years i’ve been on 518carscene & over a year I’ve been on here… I’ve said a total of two negative things towards you. TWO. You made a retarded fuckin thread about your day out with failvis… in which NO ONE here likes failvis. Did I mention it was a retarded thread? A little beyond retarded… so you got mocked for it. If you think I have a serious issue with you, I could’ve went on a lot further…