ROFL rich crashed

he was def trying to be cool and ride it fast if he wasnt he would have just rode it normally and avoided the fall

i dont care what whitey said in the other thread that dude was trying to show off and it bit him in the ass. i wouldnt be getting on a bike im unfimiliar with and “gassing” it especially on national tv

u have to be a man especially on national tv!!!


that sucked…at least he isn’t really hurt…even if he was…the money will make him feel better…sure he crashed a bike on national tv…but at the end of the day…he still has more money than all of us

i bet the producers asked him if he wanted them to show that, im sure he could of had it edited out.

i bet they would have if the other video didnt leak out already. but since its out now they have to actually “talk about it and not sweep it under the rug”

yea a real man falls over, gets little cut on his arm and has to remove his short sleeve t-shirt?:kekegay: even tho its on his arm?! haha then to go the medics and get a bandaid or some gauze haha


you should have did that when you jumped on the car. been like “oh i gotta take off my shirt, then go see the medics for my head.”

removing the shirt is key here though. you cannot skimp out on this important aspect.

i agree. but i give him props for owning up to it.

Old thread, I know, but…

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

haha are u seroius? thats dumb


Is there any pinks episodes?

everyone of all-time has already seen it anyways, so hes still owned. haha