Russian Chicks, Vlads Dick & Ilya

Aight people, seriously. I’m done with the religion crap. Move on already, damn.

Do we save on shipping if we both order? :excited

I didnt really mean it as an insult- what I really meant is why does it matter who youre hanging around with if youre not doing/going to do anything with them?

You could hang out with supermodels but at the end of the day theyre not on your cock so what is the real point in bragging about it?


Quote fail… Fuck it lol[/QUOTE]

Bro you forgot to “/quote” in the second tag bro.

This really is a pretty fair point.

hey it cant be as bad as learning to drive a ferrari at 30 after just getting a license for the firs ttime everrrr

post up pics before you crash tho :lol

Didnt’ think of that. Great idea. :excited

Options. Options. Options. I got plenty. Problem is, being 24, a lot of them are in their late teens, and contrary to popular belief (that the old country girls marry really young), a lot of these new modern age girls wanna go to school first before they get hitched so I’m in a holding pattern (they dont’ commit to anything but school). For now, they just tease :lol. Talkin to a future pharmacist right now…we’ll see how that shakes out.

Imagine if your religion allowed the chics to fuck like crazy while the guys could’nt till marriage… That’d be some shit…

Send all those that shame the family or don’t follow the book too close, my way FYI.

I’ve seen your friends.

I’m a believer.

There’d be no male members of that religion. And I’d know where to hang out on sundays looking for women.

LMFAO!! true


Vov knows one of the girls I talked to back in my late teens. She just got married, but that girl was HOT. Bombshell blonde. But eh personality. Just the way you guys like em. :rofl

reality check, thats how it really is :rofl

dont be stupid, more than half these chicks are fucking around, they are human (and horny)

Dude, sexual repression is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Doesn’t matter to me… be it they want to follow their religion full or not. I personally dont have a religion.

I dont either. I dont need some book of fairy tales telling me how to live my life or what to do/what not to do with my dick.

Is this one of those deals where vaginal intercourse is no go but they ass fuck and suck cock like a mexican hooker?

You already do nothing with your dick. Grab a book, get some of the cool aid(not redwgns) and join the club.

^^^ :lol

No. :rofl

Maybe in other denominations it’s okay. In my denomination, technically you aren’t allowed to even lust after a woman, but we all know that’s impossible. Sometimes you just can’t help but to look.

It is what it is.

yeah, its kinda retired but Im still not joining a cult and jumping on the next spaceship to Hey Zeus land

wait a minute… If your not going to do it official and your infact cheating your religion then wtf? lol