~~Sabres Bash Rd.2 Sunday 5.6.07~~

ill be there



im out for this one…sorry bri



what a fag
come over

skunkape and officergay = homossssss

3 more nyspeed members just showed up!!!

skunk u suck… were having a belly dancing contest, i already put 20 on ya.

big turnout, i had a blast riding the quads and totally ripped up my express jeans on the small dirt bike lolz

hahahah sorry guys.

i would have loved to come…

but bri… looks like we have a few more games to look forward too :slight_smile:

i’ll be back there…dont you worry

Nice meeting those of you I haven’t before.

good times


Nice meeting those of you I haven’t before.


ya man nice meeting you.

we will be doing this again sat


I will be there for the next away game.

where’s the vids???:headbang:

haha yea brian :tup: palka on the dirt bike was the funniest shit ever