Scum bag DARE U is back for more

Ah, I am aware of such Failvis. I’ve been called and compared to a lot of things. That might be the worst.

anddddd GO!

What sucks is… That you’re going to suck at whatever you do after school, as much as you sucked at being in the military. Parts Bitch.

wow , low blow kid . now ya crossed a line man . donr ever bust on any military official thats just scumish

hahahahahahahahahahaha haahahahahahahahaaahaaaaaaa

i hear skip is hiring again

military sucked. advanced from E-1 to E-5 during my single enlistment period. was warfare qualified, carried top qualifications, recieved numerous medals, and awards for personal achievement. id say it was a flop.

welcome back travis

Nah, I have respect for people in the military. Not NaziMod though.


Sounds like mine. Yes, this sounds arrogant, but my skills were too good for the military. I got thrown into school with people that did not know what an adjustable wrench was at the age of 18. More importantly, I decided that I was not going to live the prime of my life where ever the gov’t told me to.

Punctuation wasn’t one of those top qualifications, huh? Parts Bitch.

clearly doesnt matter. you need to get off my dick and worry about your own life. because bet you me, next time i see you im gonna have it out for you. thats a promise.

I can’t decide, nazimod or parts bitch. Which one do you like more, Mk4?

doesnt matter, both apparently bother you equally. so win/win.

what would you like your next avatar to be?

Threats… Not very becoming of a mod on this site.

it aint a threat iff he backs it up

I’ll compromise… You’re new title is “Nazi Bitch”.

Stop, I thought you and I made up. Didn’t we Pumpkin?

unfortunately im not related to so scum bag war criminal like you, so wouldnt that flip the script a bit?

nah , not t all i just stopped respondin to ya . cause if ya aint travis . your gonna be a hurtin sumbitch at some point

enjoy your time because you clearly havent grown up in the least bit. your time is limited though. im just waiting for JClark to have his fun with you, then its over.