the ebrake was sorta stuck.
you should have seen the cops, help me and jeff push it on the trailer
The lifters, rockers, cam, waterpump and oil pan.
Think I spun a bearing.
phew atleast you didn’t lose the oil pan, jeez then it would have been a total loss
umm the oil pan is shot
thats what nh4442’s motor is gonna look like
looks like a typical 5 slow
good luck on the new motor shags…you had some 170k hard miles on her
umm the oil pan is shot
wow that sucks…
yeah a jackass behind the wheel thinking he was a V-tec
is there a update on the car…i heard you had a new motor
No motor yet for the 92 Hatch
how about now?
Free block, Any takers :kekegay:
i got a couple blocks you can use…you might need 2 of them tho
I got a Windsor.
302 is a windsor based motor
The deck height on a 351W is higher than a 302.