Shift518 H20I advenchurz

cocaine’s a hell of a drug

antilag was fuckin funny…get down!!…

Did anyone use the ice in your freezer by any chance?..because the night everyone was partying in your guy’s room playing beer pong and such, I poured the little cups of dish soap in the ice :rofl


i didn’t use any ice lol.

Hey Joey you find that pepper?

You fuckers put that in my bag?

If not, then Sully found it in his bag :rofl

HAHAHA YES!! :rofl
That pepper was epic!

haha, i found it, and we put it your bag right before we left to come home!!! :haha

Joey that shits in your bag right now!

do what the bank robber told the teller and throw it in the bag

It’s def not, I emptied my bag last night and there’s nothing in it


Well, its in your clothes somewhere then! :haha

Deff in his clothes

Just checked, not in my clothes.
You guys fail

nope, FUCK, just found it. Somehow made it’s way into my glasses case. Taking a picture in a minute.


That pepper got around

lol @ pepper

and no, no one used the ice :lol