Shut up woman, get on my horse!

+1 i was thinking the same thing :lol


for THIS, you guys have to let me do what i want for a while, no matter how stupid it is.
heres your new ringtone people

I’ve had that ringtone since before I posted the link…

Good for you and your father.


fucking epic

its my ringtone…someone text me!

checked my celly and has your number for some reason lol

you can has text

i had no clue who it was lol.

LOL i think i had it from when i heard you had a mk1 eeeeeeeeeeeeMR2 like forever ago. then i heard it had all kindz of spraypaintz and shit on it and prolly decided not to do anything with it

i still have lots of mki parts you need.

not me, the next owner, whoever that lucky person is

srsly though if you have a list somewhere ill take a gander at it

its called my garage.

Shut up women, to the horse!!!

s0n if i were to do a 150MPH BOMB from where im sitting now it would take me an hour to get to your jumpoff


sig is everywhere.