Sighted Kbizzzz (split)

You’re all a bunch of toolbags

Understandable and thats 100% more important. could of pulled over and let her hop in but, you guys bounced. Im not mad im just saying, her guy “friends” dont give a shit about her. Girls dont have guy friends, its a proven scientific fact.

hey hey hey… you are justtt awful, you

Well now we know who told her about the post.

:rofl. Yeah, hes the usual one with doing that. Its like the 27th time.

The gay friend. How’s the friend zone?

Must spread rep before giving it to sbardy again :lol

i didnt say shit to anyone…i just saw all this shit now when i read it and posted…ive never said anything to anyone…ive met this girl twice…i honestly dont care…

and i said in my last post that i wasnt even there but i know who shes been hanging with lately and that is neither of the 15 second car guys…thats what i was trying to get across…holy shit you guys get your panties twisted quick…

No one knows who shes hanging out with.


In other news GET YOUR JEEP DONE. Not that you have any control of that, but i wanna see that bitch runnnn.

i do…once again…my last TWO posts i stated i knew who she was chillin with…holy fuck learn how to read…

(waiting for essay length response to my one line post)

Your not one to talk. Your cars gonna be in infamous snow bank this winter on the side. Jeeps suck.

In all seriousness. People have no idea.

haha i sure hope not.

Morgan was showing us the charge piping… shit is outrageous. The fucking brakes are the size of my wheels

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Heres a lenghty responce,

Go fuck yourself.


Shut the fuck up you queer

just loled

Errybody fired up over a girl on a car forum again. Relax holy fuck.

Girl wants to make out with dudes who gives a fuck.

The gut master has spoken

bryan must have someeee gut since errbody keeps bringing it up