Smiley's back!

Last set.

Alot of good ones on bf.c and rspeed.

so wat ones are we going with here, cuz some of them look really irrevalent to me i dont feel like adding headaasdsafr32)(*&ti know will never be used…

some of them are good tho

Add mine foo.


How about a poll/vote?

im too lazy to create a poll, i’ll look yours tho and see wat can be added dont worry

im doing this stuff in a couple days or sooner right now im just browsing my net is too slow to really fuck with files and shit, im just surfiing the site and workin on offline shit

at the very least I’d say add the nut kick and dead horse.

Vlad…you want smileys…go sign up on the old Avenger boards.…log in and got to make a new post somewhere…open full smiley list…steal as you see fit :slight_smile: They’ve got to have over 100 different faces

where are my smileys?

Is there any way to add the smiley drop down list to the quick reply box?

we need a nutswinging smiley reallll bad

Quick reply won’t have it, I don’t believe it’s even an option and I’ve never seen it on any boards.

However, all the regular posters should know their smiley codes by heart anyway “:XXX”.

I rarely find myself having to use the advanced reply for anything.

I used to know all the smiley codes, 'til they all got changed and new smileys came and my favorites went away. :frowning:

Well whatever is missing, let us know!

:benny is going to be back.

The big smiling face used to be ; D

Excited used to be : D

;tongue used to be :stuck_out_tongue:

:crackup man is gone

;crazy used to be ;nuts

;errr man is gone too

:benny is coming back so that makes me happy.

The :smiley: :slight_smile: :frowning: :wink: I liked the old ones better.

I guess that’s all I can think of for now really…
Now you see why I’m all messed up and confused. :lol

how about :pete

still need “: : )” without the spaces :smiley:

I love this one…

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