Snow in e-town

lucky bastards with LSD

you’ve got it man, open diff is a joke.

Nothing beats the 1 wheel drive, don’t hate.
I love the sound of one wheel spinning and the other just resting… 8)

that’s exactly it man. When i first got the car and one wheel wasnt on the ground i didnt get it, my dash says my wheels are flying, the cars reving like mad, but i look back and the drivers side wheel’s not spinning. WTF! so jack up the car, put a peice of plywood under the one that was spinning and figure that might resolve my issue. Wrong, that’s just a good way to shoot plywood :lol: . Good tiems. hah.

hahahaha very slick

hahah we did that with cd’s and school books…lmao…they shoot far :smiley:

hahah we did that with cd’s and school books…lmao…they shoot far :D[/quote]
Haha. Nice call! :lol:

i love being able to start off in 4th gear, and leave my car in gear and get out to watch the wheel(no LSD) spinning because its so icy… oh wait no i dont

exactly man, i actually had mine in first doing that accidentally. I was so flipping out over being stuck that i got out of the car but didnt take it out of gear. the car didnt stall so i didnt notice till i see this wheel spinning. heh. Big melt tomorow hopefully.

All i have to say is snow and RWD is fun haha until u get caught in any snow that u can not get out of… but who doesnt like flying through three lanes of traffic sideways haha