So, Dont buy a VW

That isn’t a VW lugnut so fucking blow us…jeezuz Vlad you should know better. That guy is clearly an idiot and used some shitbox JAP locking lugnuts. Correct info? FTW?
BTW hammer on a 12 point socket and hit it with the impact like i always do…and they come off.

ive never had an issue with my wheel bolts. OEM bolts or H&R bolts. no corny internal star “security” bolts.

I hope you aren’t using anit-seize on your lugnuts!

who does that? Really!

Unlike most people on the internet, you and I can properly install wheel attachment hardware.

Tell me why not to, and I’ll tell you why you are wrong. And then PJB will inform you not to listen to me, because I know everything.