So which decade were you born in?

lol i feel like it

im still younger than Jerry and Butch :slight_smile:


lol I guess 1990’s are still in detention…

No, the year you were born…

wtf walter…


Dont you know you cant ask questions like this. Therefore i refuse to answer

81 FTW

Oh just click other. Don’t be so cranky. The nurse will be there with your metamucil soon.

what are you, a woman?

If you were born in the 80’s and don’t know who your father is, post a picture from the 80’s of your mother.:smiley:

Like you were getting any in the 80’s. :squint:


Hey, how’s your mom?:pimp:

Do you have blue eyes?:confused:



Tell him you are his son, Fry, so he will write you in his will, then he has an “accident” and you get the house! Win-Win!!

lol Good, yes. I would like my 18 years of child support now please. :hay:

And Nick to you too

says the strategic non-voter