no i mean in general.
i haven’t seen him post in like 2 weeks.
Ahh. During the summer he usually disappears. Riding the R1, running from cops, pimping hoes… I’m sure you understand.
I don’t have a bike. I obey the law (statutory rape doesn’t count), but i definitely understand the whole pimpin hoes thang.
I live right accross the street from Skunks Parents!!
^^ ur not cool enough for a picture though
Solo cruises. :tup:
Nifty adventure.
Apparently not
If you look hard enough in the picture, you can probably see me sleeping somewhere in there…
nice car man :tup:
Chris must not have parked the Vulva on the curb–I don’t see any angry mobs out around his car.
wtf you couldnt stop by my house and take pics?
i guess when you drop off the face of the planet that type of shit happens =(
i only live practically 4 seconds from those peoples
that car is ugly. seriously. the rims are stupid. drama queens taking gay pics are not any cooler. IMHO.
you drive a fucking f-bod. who are you to talk?
I’ve seen 2 good looking f-bods in my life.
did you make that “cool” boost heart ‘sticker’ from red shelf paper. hot.
I bet i’m totally better looking than you.