Solo Car Cruise, Photo Shoot, and Pics of Members Houses! *56K Stay Inside*

no i mean in general.

i haven’t seen him post in like 2 weeks.


Ahh. During the summer he usually disappears. Riding the R1, running from cops, pimping hoes… I’m sure you understand.


I don’t have a bike. I obey the law (statutory rape doesn’t count), but i definitely understand the whole pimpin hoes thang.

I live right accross the street from Skunks Parents!!

^^ ur not cool enough for a picture though

Solo cruises. :tup:

Nifty adventure.

Apparently not

If you look hard enough in the picture, you can probably see me sleeping somewhere in there…


nice car man :tup:

Chris must not have parked the Vulva on the curb–I don’t see any angry mobs out around his car.

where are the pics of the tat?

wtf you couldnt stop by my house and take pics?

i guess when you drop off the face of the planet that type of shit happens =(

i only live practically 4 seconds from those peoples

that car is ugly. seriously. the rims are stupid. drama queens taking gay pics are not any cooler. IMHO.


you drive a fucking f-bod. who are you to talk?

I’ve seen 2 good looking f-bods in my life.

did you make that “cool” boost heart ‘sticker’ from red shelf paper. hot.

naw, vinyl son.


I bet i’m totally better looking than you.