Some stupid fast porche's and honda's and what not.

Yes. Team Teal at 385whp IIRC, Chris on pumpgas. Austin has the video of a cleaner run that Chris and Brooks got, just didn’t post it.

Ha i knew that was austin filming. Thats looks like a good time, wish i had a car that could compete.

Yea his software wont recognize the files for some reason so we need Nick to fix it

i wish my car was fast … …

IDK nick with you on racegas and spray…i think you could catch me in NO time!

Cossy, at some point we ARE running from a dig…i think it will make for a sweet as hell video!

Dude on the 1000r:

Shorts and a T-Shirt?


WTF shorts, sneakers and a collared shirt! comeon.


I commented in the video, but took it back when i saw it was a local. Put some gear on next time.

dam , hit me up when you guys meet again. Still trying to set up 94Gt5.0 vs jrod. Last time was a nightmare just to get one run in.

Hey man, yeah I definately wanna get that run done, should be a real close one! Last time was a joke with all the people running around and such, with any luck next time it will go smoother. Ill be out in the next few weeks(just had knee surgery, and gotta fix and oil leak). Soon as I am ill let ya know man.

wtf dude you come out to albany and dont call me? just cause i sold my car doesnt mean im dead… wat you doin sat night?

hehe how did you know? lol and who is this anyhow? but either way…yeah we’ll get those other vids up asap. the cleaner runs with teal and red civic gt35r…I think brooks didnt get proper brake boostage that run…My filiming was a little bit off…was hard holding that camera in a fwd car trapping 127mph :)…was all over the place. but man that thing is siiiick. I couldnt help but talking on the video. I still had a perma grin from driving the CDTA porsche. LOL


PS…vlad I think I msg’d you? but Im not sure of your screen name…if not…msg me.

Hard to tell but what exactly was the outcome against the CBR?

The porsche stayed ahead