Sorry this just kicks too much dupa to not post it up

Yea watched it again, did the dance for my roommate and got called a “fag”. Loved every minute of it. This is Timeless


My head hurts now.

hahahahhahaA!, omg dude im fucking crying laughing here hahahaha, its the scandinavian version of boy george!!!


I just sent it threw out the office labeled as followed. With my co-worker friend mike taking a little abuse from it.

“Mike wanted me to distribute his family music video to everyone in the office. He wanted me to note the extremely good dancing, the care he put into the outfits, and how colorful he managed to make it. Enjoy.”

hahaha, thats awesome. can anyone do a quick translate? in the first part it sounds like he keeps saying something then “one two” then that same thing then “one two three DANCE!!!”

and if you want awesome ukrainian music, this rocks so much more

^ wow these ukrainian people are freaking weird!

hahaha awesome, but i totally expected him to start humping to the beat like in the beginning of the “call on me” video.

BEST SONG EVAR. The addition of the accordion makes it. What’s the translation of the lyrics?

I had to put it on my myspace profile. lol.

EDIT: Oh look. They have merch. hahahaha.

dupa? i would have gone with tookus (sp?) personally.