Starting a website. Need Help.

thanks, im currently building a main site for it in flash, gunna make a digital buffalo skyline where like the buildings are links and stuff, im still working on the forums tho, its been up 24 hours got 60 registered users. trying to have it cover all general areas and not be a naziadmin

LOL @ naziadmin. Not bad numbers for how long it’s been up. I’m going to sign up now.

The flash main page sounds super cool too.

You’re lacking a USER CP button, other than that, looks good to me :]

whats a user cp button? ::feels stupid::

lawl no big, didn’t have one for like 6 months hahah.

haha what is it tho! =-o

What’s TM stand for, in

looks nice.

Good luck

its a combination of me and my friends names, but it doubles as trademark.
all graphics are temporary fillers as i built the site the way i want it. good start id say tho, and we dont just go around banning everyone :ham:

I use It’s free.

Wow is buffalo chatter already gone? Hopefully this has a better run. :tup: Good luck!

long gone.

I guess I’m not the only one who used it for a week…

hahaha nope. it was a great idea. i’m glad someone else is trying to do the same.



Oh mighty Website maker… You are my idol.

… cuz we need another forum


i think is going pretty well.
ive started a contest for logo and banner designing and the people seem too be pretty into it, we’ve been getting a steady 25 new users per day,
its actually pretty exciting,

i was browing myspace and i actually found people with banners for my forum on thier myspace? that they made themselves linking too the forum, so our members have been pretty into it, and we seem too have a large number of girls which is pretty different haha

I’m building a front page for it, and we came up with a pretty neat idea,
i’m going too be making episodic content for the site in Macromedia Flash, kind of like a comedic series between me and my partner in this, have a bunch of scripts worked out and everything,

join up if you want =]

I gotta say, I really enjoy the site. and for how many people are currently on it, it moves pretty quick. Entertaining :tup:

just tried to on the site and it was down.