Super Bowl Comercials Thread

Def the Fed ex one and the Office beer commercial… and I really liked the clydsdail one …

I missed alot of the commercials as thats when I got up from the TV. I totally missed the MacGyver one… anyone got a link? also which FedEx one do you guys mean? All theones I saw I was not impressed with. I did find the Magical Fridge one kinda funny when the guys saw the fridge appear.

Careerbuilder monkey commercial def my fav! haha…I lost it when they show that ape lighting his cigar with a couple benjamins! so pimp! lol

i listened to the radio and didn’t really care to even listen to commercials.

“You were open and now you’re CLOSED!”

THat was freakin’ hilarious.

there is a lot of the commercials

yeah that one was good

I missed the cell phone one :dunno: