Superbowl commercials

Transformers… uggggghhhhh I just came

Dorito’s snoglobe was funny, I laughed about punching little animals

Fast & Furious trailer! lol Not many good ones, i laughed at the career builder one when they were punching the koala, but that’s about it

the 1 sec miller high life one was awsome… i wonder how much a 1sec ad cost

nothing special i just looked

I was in for the movie teasers:

GI Joe, Transformers 2. All I need now is someone to make a Thundercats movie and my childhood dreams will be complete.

i seen this one during the pre game show but no during the super bowl - i thought it was better then all of them during the game!!!

ThunderCats Legend Larry Kenney Answers Your Questions!

Written by clare on August 19, 2008 – 10:56 pm -

Larry Kenney, voice of Lion-O, answers your questions - what a great guy he is!
Here we go…
Q - Have you heard anything about the ThunderCats lately? And not just the movie but the new series, videogames, etc.
(from Caravaggio)
A - Nothing specific, but I would guess that if the upcoming movie does well, Warner Bros. might consider producing a new TV series.

Tranformers 2 looks awesome - Shia Lebouf or w/e his name is. This movie will look awesome on blu-ray/IMAX

Exactly, punching a small animal? Hilarious. Seeing it 4 times. AMAZING.

And a snowglobe to the nuts? :tup:


I have to clean myself off…2011?! WTF I need some sight beyond sight now!

This years were weak big time… maybe 2-3 ok ones.


my thoughts exactly.

Did no one see the Conan Bud-Light commercial? I thought that was hilarious.

BAHAHAHHAHA Doritos had the best this year. Last years commercials were FARRR worse than this years.

Did anyone notice in the one Doritos commercial they turned a black guy into a monkey?


Just sayin.

koala getting punched, and the flowers telling that lady no one wants to see you naked were the 2 best imo

Quoted for Michael bay

Lol, yeah. The flowers were good.