The "situation" bombs roast...

I guess he had a bunch of other really horrible lines they didn’t even air

The Syphilis has clearly started eating his already underdeveloped brain.

man , he makes me look smartt

he has no excuse. he isnt one of those naturally funny people. it’s too bad he’s too stupid to realize it and actually hire somebody creative and funny to write lines for him to simply read and actually make it look like he is funny. why is Greg Giraldo gone? he’d have ripped him an asshole the size of saturn on tv for that blunder up there.

:lol:rofl if so money well spent wayne

Unfortunately he’s dead.

He was hilarious… I thought he had died

he should have just declined the offer to be on the show.

Saw Lisa lampanelli at the egg last night and she talked about the roast and how horrible a job the situation did. I guess mike Tyson and Brett Michaels signed on but then canceled, would have been funny to see them try

I thought Larry King was pretty good

Yeah def.

I never really liked lisa lampanelli.

She was funny as hell. The guy she had open was pretty good too. Some guy tried heckling them both and they got on the guy pretty good

I’m a HUGE fan of jim norton, I think hes hysterical.

I didnt know Greg Giraldo passed away before i saw this either

i am no way sticking up for or taking the dickfaces side, but , i think some of his material was ok, people just hate him and cant take him seriously. he was destined to fail from the start… if that was a well known funny good comedian i bet there would have been some, more, laughs…we didnt laugh because we hate him

Please, do tell, exactly what part of his set was funny to you?

… yes, do tell

Dude is a fuckin idiot but half of comedy is all about the presentation and delivery of a joke. He was/is retarted but a good comedian could of made people laugh at his same jokes

You mean saying “heeeeyyyy” and “oooohhhhhh” after everything isint good delivery?