The "WHAT'D YOU GET FOR XMAS?" Thread v.2010

impact gun, gift cards, magic hat mug, carhartt suit and cash.

Box of dildos

an electric impact wrench and money :smiley:

Tons of dope ass shit. MLR

leafs tickets on the glass, cash money and gift cards.
pj pants, gas cards, cash, clothes, dvds, misc other stuff.

my sister and aunt teamed up on a set of these with absolutely no prompting. so pumped.

also a bunch of clothes, gift cards/crap. i’m hoping the gf told her parents to give me a gun center gift card, ill find out tomorrow.

Sabres tickets
Sons of Anarchy seasons 2 and 3 bluray
Nuvi gee pee ess
Alien Anthology bluray

Foxy … did you get that from ieatpaint

HD Jack stands, and 4 packs of underwear. Gotta have clean underwear.

No… Parts of it were from someone on the Forum but not ieatpaint. Draftin had everything machined and painted and built it. It’s a z6 block and pistons with a D15z1 crank and rods, '92 D15b cylinder head and a ZC high output cam shaft… It’s my own little Frankenstein :slight_smile:

ZuneHD 64GB (Fuck you apple)
2 TB drive for my music (just moved my 646GB worth of stuff over)
Gift Cards
24pk of Arnold Palmers :drool:
Beard Trimmer

we should have a FS/Barter thread on shit we got for xmas that we wont be needing / can’t return.

i’ve got a couple books and a pair of ginch-gonch (NWT) :slight_smile:

i got tools, new jack/jackstands, floormats for the evo, gift cards, household tools, an electric space heater (supposed to be nice) and some clothes

ETID tickets
road bicycle shoes and pedals, for my new tarmac
swim trunks…
flip camera
DIY painting for the sis

Christmas just puked in my kitchen…

I see Crocs…

I’m judging.

Thats alright, when I’m out on the water with a boat load of girls, a beer in hand and crocs on my feet you can judge away!

Meh, never needed crocs to attract vaginas on my boat lol.