Time waster like woah


i tried and tried to get over the ball. fuck that nonsense.

:tup: GENIUS!

I skipped over it at first. Then I got the idea on the following level (4 balls) where I made a giant conveyor belt to move all four across.


LOL it worked on a trial run before I was done.

I need to go home for the day.

Big Ball Take 2!


hahaha! awesome!

wow, that second one is great! awesome ideas

wow i suck that much

I am not doing this until 5. I think I’m going home early. :wave:


Credit to the failure thread for the idea. Someone launch the red guy across and completely off the screen on another level. LOL.

i came up with this Fantastic Contraption: A fun online physics puzzle game for that one

lol that’s my second one (which I like much better)

wrong link?

edit_ I see it now. NICE! I couldn’t get that kind of design to work for me.

:tup: :tup:

this requires way too much thinking and i’m way too hung over for this…

but, this one made me lol…SO CLOSE!


lol. that is way too complicated. and that was an easier level too IMO.


haha… maybe a little over kill.

let it play through…what at first looks like a fail ends up showing off this machine’s ability to ultimately resist fail…

Awesome recovery.

haha thanks…

and i stole that idea for the next one… and lol, it’s gonna require more than 10 seconds… hahahaha

Last one for the day.


I never guessed it would really work. I just had to keep adjusting one length.

my last one here, time to really go do something besides this… hah

http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=1056366 i love this one

hahaha, i waited and waited… and sure enough :tup:

srsly. i’m done.

Did anyone do “tube”?