I’m out
it was nice to finally meet’n ya
it was interesting down there tonight … but it was fun
def. a fun time. interesting indeed have to have another one of these.
yes we should nick…
ya it was fun… I definately thought we were getting trapped in by those tow trucks so i skidaddled out of there.
sleeper, slowmaro91rs and I were the last ones out and no issues from the man … that one did follow us for a min tho
fun times. ill bring the “race car” out next time :hahano:
props to mack for auto-shiftin to his first victory!
i didnt auto shift when i raced lol. i need to get my brakes to hold more than 3k when i brake boost. AUTOMATIC FTW
We should definately do this again. Hopefully it’s a lil warmer next time.
Good meetin u and solow man, it was gay from the ricers n shit but nice to BS with u guys…
It was good meeting you too. We’re always out doing something almost every night it doesn’t rain so hit one of us up if you ever want to come out our way and meet up. I can’t promise there won’t be ricers but at least we have someone to make fun of. lol
he has sand in his Vagina and wont come this way, i was rather shocked that he came out last night …i’ve tried already…
:blah: :blah:
Awe, get that sand out of there.
Maybe without the sand he can come. :wackit:
heres my contribution, i know i don’t post much but since no one else took any pics besides me, i figured i would. espessially since stevo called me out
i also just relized this is my 10th post in 2 1/2 years…
if anyone wants full size pics, hit me up
pic 7 & 8 :wackit: