toys suck! Box > toy inside


Not a board game but I still remember having these because the show was so awesome


Can’t find pics, but any of those New Bright remote control cars that had the fucking 3 foot long wire to the remote.

+1 i wanna play so many of these games now. Someone needs to make an online battleship game. All the kids now are missing out on so much, they all just play there video games and dont get to play all these classics. Yeah 360 and PS3 have great graphics and the games look relistic but old NES games were so much better in terms of gameplay, they were alot harder i think and made you think ahead you couldnt just run through the hard parts of the old side scrolling games.

Who remembers string racer?


my cousin had this, used to play it all the time when we were kids :rofl:

and for some reason this comes to mind

OMGWTFBBQ…string racer…that thing fucking sucked :stuck_out_tongue:

Download skype and you can play online battleship…fyi

^ :LOL:

HAHAHA at sammy jackson

Inspired by the photo hunt thread.

worst game i have ever played for 360.

ok so im getting pissed because i cant find the picture of this damn plane. i know everyone has either seen or played with this before
figured id make my own.

word lol, does anyone remember all the news stations running ads about how the people dont talk? i remember some lawsuit being brought up because some ladies kids were all disappointed that they didnt talk so from then on all the commercials had the disclaimer at the bottom saying that the faces didnt move or talk.

hahaha i remember that disclaimer. That game pissed me off soo much I would play with other people and they would be like “what do you consider a large nose” WHEN THERE ARE THREE DISTINCT SIZES!!!

“what do you consider a large nose”

should be his custom title.