
highway star is a messsican.

Is she hott? anyone know?


am i the only one that doesn’t really find this funny?


cuz your a pissed off individual with no sense of humor :fart:

i jsut don’t understnad what a mexican has to do with it? … or selling oranges…

probably a penn dot construction cone from MYL urban autocrossing or sometihng.

i didn’t think it was that funny…but anyway.

do mexican sell oranges on the streets here in pgh now?? i though that was just on the west coast?

^ thus my comment about hispanics

so stfu?

oooooh sorry so it was 2 people that thought it wasn’t funny instead of lonely old you


if we lived in cali…it might be a little more funny.

thats like saying she hit a guy selling pretzels form a shopping cart.
or a bum trying to wash her windshield

not funny here in pgh :dunno:

maybe should have went with…

“she was racing dahn Carson Street n’at and wrecked into the guy selling some cat on a stick”

thats a lil more pittsburghish…

why make a thread about this AW! thats what she wants!!!/thread

now thats funnier.

“now why you hate that so much?”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: bwahahahaha

:rofl: at this whole thread

in before the :lockd: