TW: 5.0 Mustang Turbo Set up

hey look what i found


lmfao well some one looks dumb:rx3:

fine then 400 then
i need money today to get my new phone it took a dump

why are you not doing your car anymore?

i only work a part time job durring summer and i dont want to spend all my summer trying to get this kit done with the little money i get…also the gas prices are killing me …i would lovwe to keep it and boost the stang but i dont think ill have the funds

so did you already sell the whole car?

no i want to sell it and go civic but idk…

wow did u really just say that holy s***

I need this gone before 6pm today!!!I leave for flordia tonight!!! Also lowered the intercooler price to 250…


wht do u want for the mustang.

what do u mean if i was to sell it…?

if bought today ill sell the turbo kit for 360!!!

told ya the yellow car wont get any better…

yea ur right

still for sale!!! I need the money bad!

please dont …or at least dont put animals on it

i know

k good

i got some offers but nothin close to the actuall price

anyone elese?