uhhhhhhh nice garage...

link to where you found this??

my friend wants to check it out.

Here ya go: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=234507

Umm, I don’t think he is a rapper, that’s who buys Italian crap.:slight_smile:


If Salvatores was a car museum, that is what it would look like.

lol i dont know what rapper you been listening too or seeing, but i dont see many rappers with Ferraris :), then again, i dont care what rappers do, drive or anything else for that matter :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing I like is the Porsche door and the Bathroom door. Everything else is tacky as hell.

I wonder if he likes Porsche…

I have mixed emotions. I do like the urinal dividers though lol.

I love that Carrera.

:lol: The door caught my eye too. I like the vintage 911s a lot but it kinda looks like a guy that just won the lottery and decided to blow it on whatever he liked at that moment.