Um.. THIS guy just added me.

stand tall, fun & unique?

fuckin yagerbombs

well this guy added me, dont feel so bad. But word on the street is he doesnt eat meet but loves tube stake…?


looks like newman! LOL

I’d give him a chance.

Seriously, I’d never join that shit.

There’s this really good crepes place inside our downtown library here in Roch (I don’t know why it’s in the library, it just is). To get to it, you have to walk past the public use computers. Every time I go I play “How many black kids are browsing myspace instead of doing something productive?” For some reason there is never a white person at the computers. Not judging, just observing. ANYWAY. Out of the 12 computer screens I can easily see, EVERY TIME at LEAST 8 are on myspace. It’s pathetic.

I love to read black people’s myspace profiles.

The comments are the best.

Yeah bro!

Fucking skanks.

They reduced the number of public use computers on UB’s south campus to 3 due to excessive uselessness.

Actually, there’s another one hidden away.

The one time I found:
can opener
half eaten can of beans
roach clip

HEY that’s my damn line, bish!! Besides, you don’t need that guy, you have me!!

I would say he is from Tampa…drives a 2001 mustang gt…with a cobra body kit…and its auto :cjerk:

you guys really need to get over yourselves

everyone is so quick to judge people based on their looks

dawn, what makes you so much cooler than this guy?


i’m being cheated on now?

Lol, goober you know my heart will always be yours. Especially on my birthday.

oh my goodness. it is your birthday.

let’s go get trashy.

i think that guy in the blue works at jims steak out on sheridan…

Hi I’m Joe. I work at Jims Steak Out. I love the Italian sausage.

so…whats the problem?

everyone on here rags on anyone different then them. car people are a stereotype too, you know…