Vanity plate suggestions..


oh ps you stole my number you cack

that was my football # :sad




nah i still think THXFNF is good enough i didnt even bother tryin to think of one

HWY PRNC would be really gay since ray has HWY KNG or w/e


hahaha thats a good one too

then after he pays it off, he can get I OWN IT


your favorite huh pal

SMLSNGL for that 60mm turbo youve got

i wanted rob to get it with his matrix, but the supra fits the bill way better. people faces after seeing lil white ryan would be priceless

its whats on the inside that counts, and if he feels black and sexy at heart, then who are we to judge.


It’s technically paid for…

outright? if so, i hate you.

Probably wont be staying with that forever…

Love you too Donny.

get that 76GTS, some 1200cc’s, AEM and youll be at 800hp with fuel left