wanna hang out friday?

It has been stated that there is nothing for us there. The drinks suck and are too pricey, the place is shitty, and so are the dancers. What do you expect us to say? Seriously. No one is bashing you personally, it’s just that NO ONE LIKES THAT PLACE.

ok first off…princess is a doll. she was merely asking a question, but since it wasnt “what color should I paint my car” everyone got on her case. I do however see your point.

Second…Im not a noob. Ive been on this damn site for years. And it still hasnt hasnt changed much.

ok fine, it was just an offer since I dont travel that way too often and i know there are a bunch of guys/girls out that way that havent met yet. (point stated)

Im sorry to be such a bitch…well i take that back, im not sorry. I am sorry that threads always have to end like this.

i am done.
/ thread.
thank you.

We were told not to in another thread that had the beginnings of some shit-giving, or we’d get banned.

I don’t think anyone is giving you shit, per say. If you picked a different place, people might not be trashing it. It’s not towards you personally, from how I interpret it.
I’m up for meeting up for a drink with people. But for sure not a titty bar where my drinkin’ money would be begged for by scank that I know I’m not getting my money’s worth out of when the night is done.

i agree. but that just happens to be where im going tonight.

ill probably be at matrix tomorrow if that suits anyone?

and next week ill be at the penn hills car show on the 30th.





i dont mind tity bars,

i just would never take a shit at one… lol

coming from the guy who takes pictures of you know what in the you know what lol

damn straight!

lol i :finger: you too.

just :lockd: already…

ill / you!

:lockd: thank god