Wat r u gunna be 4 halloween?

HAHAH ohhhh my god, that would be redic.

and on the WTC you can write, meh, i’ve seen better architecturally…

I want to be Buffalo Bill, thinking about getting a skin colored leotard, paint some nipples on it and pubic hair. Get a long trench coat and a nasty blond stringy wig, put some makeup on and say I’d fuck me all night.

^ well played

wheres jdmsir to come in with the best costume.



ugh… Every year I think my costume is great then the day after i regret every moment of the night…

things that aren’t funny:

dick or boob related costumes.

racism is…


was at party city today getting my jello shot cups for the game and they had a great Halloween costume… it was a blind referee outfit came with the glasses shirt and pants and the walking stick… i thought it was hilarious

i went trick or treating like this a couple years ago, and still got candy somehow… hah.

this year… i have no idea yet.


I have no damn clue what I want to be this year. But anything that can traumatize the small childrens in my neighborhood will do.

This is what I am shooting for


Ashy Larry

im in the process of makin a kool-aid man costume.

bruce miller

some dude back in university wore a huge box with a window over his head / upper body and i sign that said “free mamograms”

i am going to walk around with a pair of rubber gloves on and a sign that says “Free Colonoscopies”

Should I be a mobile obgyn?