I honestly thought that “moar” smily’s is the name of the type of a smily group, and not “more”
you guys are nerds damn
well internet/typing/spelling = srs bzns
srs bzns.
yehaw…russians FTW! lol
title fixed for over moderation :shifty
srsly over moderation…i magically went down like 30 posts over night bc people cant argue on a forum
What, when where? I’d like to know.
I know one topic was deleted and reposted, and I talked to the mod about that.
I don’t want it to be overmoderated by any means, and most of the mods don’t actually do anything at all lol.
PM me if you have any concerns, most of the topics that stray waay offtopic and start battling will be most likely split into their own topic.
i have a concern:
we officially have only 16 smileys
that’s like having a 3 inch dick (it’s ok justin, nobody’s thinking about you)
neeed MOAR
yeah we neeed MO4R
especially that dinosaur one that someone posted before
OMG new smily’s look! :wow
oh snap
oooomgf now i have quickreply too WOOT
how longs this gonna take vlad, shit.