Wedding Crashers - OMG SO FUNNY!!

I’ll probably wait for the DVD

I was pissed that there was no Dan band

just got back from it, and i liked it a lot. Definitely recommended :tup:

just got back from it as well…absolutely hilarious :lol:

the gay emo kid…


crashing funerals… too funny


i will have to buy this once it comes out on DVD

i laughed so hard i cried…it was hilarious…i’m gonna have to see it again :slight_smile:

First thing Don and I said to one another when we saw the Emo kid was… Survey says…


HAHAHAHA…also went with everybody…holy shit…it was fucking hilarious…

I couldn’t stop laughing :rofl: Great movie :tup:

hmm sounds gude. i will have to buy it on dvd here tonight :tup:

awesome movie!

I gotta see this movie today