What the hell is Wiz Khalifa riding and where do I get one?

hahaha ^^^ my kind of cardio.

there are hundreds of “copies”

i’ve rode a few and this one is one of the smoother ones. IO hawk didn’t invent it either despite popular belief, they are all copies.

Yeah I was referring to the other copies hashtags not the original. Take a look at the Wired article I posted above. It appears Chic was the original then all these others copied out from there. The best part of the story is this:

Celebs starting hitting them up left and right for samples…

One of their most consistent askers was the rapper Soulja Boy, who finally got a PhunkeeDuck after months of pestering. A couple of days after his board arrived, a new device hit the market: The Soulja Board. $1,500, available in green and red. Its site, souljaboard.com, was put together so quickly there’s still dummy text on the About page.

“He starts posting, hey guys come buy my Souldja Board,” Waxman says. “And he’s standing on our PhunkeeDuck!”

Not like PhunkeeDuck can bitch about copying, but Soulja Board is just hilarious, lol.

What a fggt pestering them for months for a sample. Buy one fggt. And that person posted above has to be one of the ugliest humans on earth.

Krant Board. I’d ride that.

thats hilarious

soulja boy is a joke.

Propelled by extreme hate

wish i had somewhere to use these stupid things. a 12 year old black girl on my street rode her bike over the other day to tell me she tried one at a bowling alley, and she said it was super awesome and she is getting one for her bday i can try on the street…






Have you seen the videos of them blowing up and catching fire? One is in a mall or store.

Large lithium batteries and China’s ability to cut corners with zero regard for safety?

What could go wrong?


I still want one. Hopefully this incident will lower the price. Moral of the story: Charge your hover board outside.

Wow, yeah I’d just be proactive and charge it under the hood of my charcoal grill outside on the deck, lol.

“Behind on your mortgage?!?” “Buy and charge a hover board in your house TODAY!”


Why would I do that when Obama will just forgive my mortgage?

Can’t fly with them, maybe can’t even ship them:

The United States Postal Service just banned quote-unquote hoverboards on airmail flights since the batteries have a naughty tendency to catch on fire. The move comes just a few days after multiple airlines put hoverboards on the no-fly list citing the same safety hazard. The abrupt change in policy is understandable, since explosions in the sky are a very real danger.

After reading that I hate the guy that wrote it so much. If he managed to spawn, which I doubt, I’m sure his kids are the kind that live in a bubble.