What you've all been waiting for...H2Oi Part I, your computer might die

that CC was pure win

picture yetti took of the owner, really chill guy


wtf why are you holding out on yetti’s pics DAVE. post em

Man that thing is clean!! Thats a long trip!

Oh, hey guys!


oh yeh forgot about that chick crusing around, she was everywhere!

such nice cars there. i need to make it next year. funny how many cars i recognize from lurking on vwvortex.

Tell me thats her car…

I would do terrible things to her.

Sgt. Michael Shorts and i did a few “drive bys” on her, her entire body looked fake :lol

and ya thats her whip

can someone link me to VWV pic threads?

:rofl how could you forget “DUB Bitch” ? :lol

Yeah it’s her car…her BF looked like a hoodrat

i have all of them, i was gonna wait and let him post the whole set, ill post ones as they relate

Yeh her car and she had one of her hot blonde friends crusing around with her. Unfortunately the eos was the only thing with the top down…

and the biddy on the back of her bf’s scooter, tittays were shown.

Damn, you guys take that pic??

haha i know i cant believe that, some bitch riding on the back of a scooter with her BF driving POPPED THE TOP!

:lol fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Thats my new background tho LOL

That bitch that owned the eos was hideous though. She had sweet tits and a nice ass. Her face was hurt

she was “busted” as nick would say

Nice pics K20


I’d totally do terrible things to that girl, who I did multiple drive-bys on.

damn… well that could be overlooked :lol