What you've all been waiting for...H2Oi Part I, your computer might die

Holy fuckin’ S5…


Man they are so nice. Tricia needs one.


your wax and buff price just went up:shifty

haha… sorry man I sure hope you are joking…

I meant it as a fucking joke and apparently not many people got it…

no, you were srs. What a jerk!



LOL didn’t realize people would take a joke seriously… you all seamed laid back… lesson learned I guess… I’ll just be the jerk on this site ha…


We’re all joking


haha… no, not everybody was joking… but whatev ha

Looks like a great time.


Ok guys, this is a thread for my pictures.

Take the queer talk elsewhere, slugs.

sorry didn’t mean to hijack… :hug

Seriously, I am going to have to go to something like this next time. I didn’t do SHIT all weekend, aside from get sick from all of the minorities’ diseases at HVCC.



I still like that S5 the best, runner up is the CC with the Bugatti wheels. This show looks like a blast to go to.


It’s seriously a blast man, def worth the drive and money(rather cheap believe it or not…as long as you don’t get any tickets:banghead)

the S5 is pretty sweet…

one i found of nicks car