Which Celebrities went to your High School?

City Honors School

Lucille Clifton, poet
Bridget Finn, member of the Women’s Synchronized Swimming team that won the gold in the 1996 Summer Olympics
Mylous Hairston, the news anchor
Author Jake Halpern, of the critically acclaimed Fame Junkies: The Hidden Truth Behind America’s Favorite Addiction
Richard Hofstadter, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian who was often cited as one of the leading public intellectuals of the 20th century
Kit Klein, figure skater who won gold medals in the 1932 and 1936 Winter Olympics
Steve Mesler, member of the 2006 U.S. Olympic Bobsled Team (my sister was frends with his sister)
Connie Porter, author
Buffalo Bob, host of the 50’s children’s tv show Howdy Doody
Rexford G. Tugwell, a member of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Brain Trust” who served as under-secretary of agriculture
William Burton, Barack Obama’s National Press Secretary
Megan Smith, director of new-business development at Google

Irene McVay, who still worked there when I went there, was involved in a student-led strike protesting racial segregation in the school system in Prince Edward county, Virginia. The two week strike led to a lawsuit, Davis v. County School Board of Prince Edward County, which became part of the famous Brown v. Board of Education desegregation decision.