Who remembers Paperboy?

I don’t know how I missed this, but admittedly I haven’t really been around a computer very much lately.

Anyways, since you’ve determined that I’m a bigger loser than you because I have more posts, I figured I’d do you a favor and make a incomplete list of all the other people you are cooler than… just incase you ever run into them out somewhere you can point out how awesome you are and how gay they are because you have less posts

98SS10 >

jack - 936
zerodaze - 669
chino - 218
rx3 - 218
drdos - 94
73ghia - 129
taurusho - 127
twizted - 324
beckington - 145
azndc5er - 329
newman - 557
sleepy - 988
janny - 167
redgoober4life - 274
jskrapper - 117
maximase98 - 338
rubicant - 9901
nikuk - 123
cuban crisis - 199
zwarbyt - 1606
officerk - 189
lucky cheater - 166
silvergtp - 98
jeg - 259
jrex - 100
skunkape - 604
yelocity - 219
krazyjon - 450
91mr2 - 99
dozer - 151
lucky cheater - 166
bigairskier1580 - 122
adictd2b00st - 582
onyxz32 - 240
blk300tt - 130
xander - 347
z24challenge - 302
montecarlochick - 359
bladez - 159
jdmr2 - 332
itagaki - 110
karu - 253
nytmair - 139
trueblue - 159
87foxgt - 220
kingsario - 642
gstairs - 153
pitlord - 119
98teg - 251

essentially its almost safe to say 98SS10 > nyspeed