whos going to duffs?

i sure could use some Duff’s wings…

hmm was fun last year, i might swing by

probably we go for wings every monday.

Ill prob swing by after work with the girl for a lil bit, B ill call you

eh…i was thinking about it since i work right down the street…but undecided

go skunky

you should goto tha bank also

The other area isnt open right?, the grassy area or is he reopening it this year again?, if not i better get there early it will be packed

ill be there

well…i think my decision has been made to go now :wink:

I’m goin.


I might show :snky:

Work just done the road, I’ll be there

fixed for you aaron :wink: skunk is gonna go! who else is gonna entertain me by saying "yo, this is soooooooooooooo ghey why did i come?! im leaving…20 minutes later…ok for real im leaving…another half hour…ok yea im goin, see ya

fo sho

:bsflag:no u wont

do it you wont

I maybe there.

no gym ? :frowning:

ill hide your keys.

LOL <3

nawww… he’s going to the gym… haha i told him to skip it, he was quick to say no