Wings tonight @ qsl in robinson?

since ill be there really early i should still be there by the time everyone else shows up, so just yell for the “spoiled, dumbass, mother fucker, idiot, slow ass, etc”… then add "kid with the Trans AM

haha i would but i need to find a ride back but let me ask my bro

i know what you mean i wish i had my 240 out but i need that damn maf lol


any reason why we are meeting so late?

i’m out this week, mud butt last week FTL



f it, just throw in a manpon!

He is Wang Kang!

out… just remembered I have to fast starting at 9.

that just makes me think of that episode of rob and big when big black whips his out and throws it on that one kid that was great

not making it

shall we make it back to usual time of 8?
don’t know why fatty wants to change it to 9
it sucks you can’t make it but there is a majority here that eat earlier

no gonna beable to come… gathering people in my area for some cruising tonight.

well wing night was fun and the wings were good

nice meeting you guys and again was fun

Definitely, and good to meet you too!

i swung through the parking lot at 945. didnt really see any cars so i didnt stop in.

I was there at 8:00 but it was a 45min wait and I wasn’t going to wait around for you jerks. so call me no show
