Thank god i had to work…money> a bunch of BS and beers(well maybe not beers for the young ones) and food! Maybe next time…
Did the plunger break?!?
so you puked…
over eating will do that, even to a fat kid.
hahahahah, cracked the handle hahaah j/k
please i didnt even eat that much, i stand no chance to burnyD or cheeks
Cheeks with his Coors Light, lol. and Burnyd with his 3 hand method, it would take a Tool just to out eat them.
And dot forget cheeks primes himself only an hour before the big game, (Gramas House for dinner 4-6 Tuesdays) lolololol
haha i konw, hes the only person that i konw that pre games for a buffet hahah
I am a fan of “The Royal” in Caste Village…you get the double wings for like $.15 or $.25
except when there is no hockey game…
i played last night and every tues.
so hockey > wings
N/M was thinking Pens game… burnyd was asking me to play hockey pickup with you guys out in Harmar, but no equipment yet, just skates and gloves so far.
we dont have it anymore cause of highschool hockey. should start back up in the summer though.
there also was a penguin game last night.