WTB 92 Civic EG parts...


In for battle royal!

Oh dayummm

Well I see who wears the pants in that relationship.

And Bobby just because some greencard holding porchmonkey tells you to do a burnout doesn’t mean you actually have to listen to them.

Tresa if you have a problem with me then please follow the simple plan I have laid out for people like you:

a. ask yourself “can the problem be solved in person”
b. if not, skip to letter d
c. contact me and i will do my best to resolve the issue
d. go fuck yourself

Im 99% sure she would whoop your ass Chris :lmao

That is 99% untrue

+1 your fucked

She B fiesty. I thought I was gonna get beat up at school once :rofl

My ex girlfriend from Yonkers was feisty.

Tresa = weak sauce.

Blue is feisty

Can anyone on this forum besides me and Benny spell rIdiculous correctly?

apparently a lot of people can :excited


Ha. Ha. Ha.

Well played.

you wait http://smiliesftw.com/x/mad_1.gif

He JUST played you son.


Just making sure, back to the arguing


FUCK you

yes back to the arguing