WTB 92 Civic EG parts...


why you gotta blow up my spot on steves wall kiiiiid


murrdoggggz wall is FUCKED :lol

:rofl Hes gonna wake up to 38 new messages

haha dude your not gona win with her. shes a bitch to people she doesnt like and she wont stop until you surrender. you called bobby out on something you yourself do so its game on between you two

Tell her to stop resorting back to things that happened months ago and to make us some sandwiches.

whether it happened yesterday or 2 months ago it doesnt matter. you bitch at people for doing the same thing that you did 1000 times but its ok when you do it…well you think it is for some reason

bullSHIT. His woman’s such a bitch, think’s she’s Miss Zandt, drinkin’ out of cups, bein’ a bitch.

the fact that you just dont shut your fuckin mouth and you keep going and saying the stupidest shit just goes to show how immature you are.

So anyways,

Anyone have civic parts ? …

Quoted for hypocriticism.

Maybe instead of rambling on about the past in little incoherent posts (on your boyfriends username), you should invest in some more valuable English classes so that I can better understand the message in which you are trying to convey.

Bobby - try ebay, HT, any other forums related to your car by any chance?



So LA DUKE you running tonight!!!??

yea dukey

Awwww poor leo did tresa own you? i think so, and dont neg rep like a pus because of it.

I may bust out the ranger tonight if need be…

TNT saturday …

haha invest in some more valuble english classes so YOU can better understand? sorry id rather not dumb it down and go down to your level. everyone with an exception of you knows what im saying…but hey maybe thats why you got kicked out of siena