Its a 97 5speed green 4dr accord with like 140k power every thing etc etc
if u wanna sell, let me kno
lol sounds like we have identical cars. green with tan leather? niiice. :thumbup
someone sell me one for less than 3 grand
i can be persuaded into 3k even?
i gotta take a look at it. idk how much a windsheild and mirror will cost me. and i wanna see how bad the rust is.
i can get u a windshield brand new for pretty cheap… lemme know ill stop by my friends shop today and ask him
My car has no rust on it and needs nothing. Let me know I may sell it
sean, im interested if ur gonna sell it. id like to see it. Id like to just buy and drive.
im only lookin to spend 3 or less
Let me know I can show you the car tomorrow if youd like
I work at Mavis Tomorrow untill 6.
ill pm u my cell.
sean, when u gonna be around for me to look at this car?
I may have Delucia show you the car cause Im heading to Virginia tonight after work and wont be back till later on tomorrow and then I think Im heading to Americade. If you want pm him and he can show it to you tomorrow or late tonight when hes out of work
Car is mint too.
well im waitin to see it. lol
chris never showed me the car. when u gonna be around sean?
UP! lets get this kid an accord
i’m a douche. i keep forgetting to get you pics. sorry bro.
Bought one Today. Thanks Sean.
Someone Hit it ALREADY. But I was able to pop the dent right back out