WTB: Audi A4 96-99


Sorry dude…everyone just wants to own a 2turboz’d previously owned vehicle :stuck_out_tongue:

There are enough of them out there.


lol, id like to own another, sold the lexus so now its time for another one of ur previous rides

its funny how both these cars posted on here have been sold, one to me and one to my new a4’s previous owner


seriuosly u do this now after i strained to get rid of mine and had to sell it for a steal!?!


Given the fact whoever put the H/U in completely fucked it up, and its entirely missing a fuse box, and is a royal POS, that car wasnt worth a penny more than what he paid for it…

edit: Im am in total awe at what a clusterfuck that headunit was. I have never in my life seen such a disgusting wiring job…