WTB: Full Multi Link. USED! S13

Are you fucking kidding meÉ

I talked to you on Monday. Gave you far more advance than necessary that i wouldnt make it that night.

I said, the next coupla fays id be coming for sure…you said, yeah, no rush, its yours. i call wednesday, all fucking day…no answer. left messages.

i didnt try to fucking haggle i simply said, it says obo, what will you take. you said 280. i said. okay. if that a fucking hagggle than im white.

bottom line, we had an agreement. at no point did you say to me, if someone shows up before you do, than im going to sell it to them. you said, no rush, dont worry its yours. otherwise i would have dropped whatever the fuck i was doing and went there immediately.

in your pm, you wrote to me,

i wasnt intentionally trying to screw you. we had already agreed on 2 meeting times that you ended up not making so i was unsure if you were ever going to show.literally 5 minutes after i got off the phone with you on the night you were going to come get it a guy came to my door with $300 and i sold it too him. im sorry if you feel cheated but i have bills to pay and i did my best to hold it for you.

5 minutes after we fucking spoke and you said, no worries, no rush, its yours…someone else buys it. you knew i was coming, you said there was no problem. if you were in doubt i was co,ming, why didnt you pick the fucking phone up to make sureÉ How could you not be sure if i called you about 1111111 fucking times to arrange to pick it upÉ

I can fully understand if you told me, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. We had an agreement, i wasnt gonna fucking bail. you told me NOT TO WORRY, NO RUSH ITS YOURS. Is that even a foggy issueÉ

I DIDNT HAGGLE WITH YOU EITHER. i asked what the price would be if i picked up x amount of items and what the price would be if i just bought multi link. YOU CAME UP WITH 280. not me. If it was a matter of measly fukcing 20 dollars, i woud have paid it and some more.

Whatever you think, you fucked me over. theres no ifs and buts. if there was no agreement or a deadline or a time frame i wouldnt care. i talked to you on monday, rearranged to pick up tuesday or wednesday. wednesday comes, youre mia without EVER THE FUCKING SACK TO PICK UP THE PHONE OR RETURN MY CALLS LETTING ME KNOW YOU FUCKED ME.

Sure, ill stop crying now. theres no point. i just wanted to get the story out.

i fucking hate assholes like you. say one thing and sell out for 20 more dollars. an agreement is an agreement. did i sound like a fucking flakeÉ with taht much correspndence did you really think i was gonna bailÉ if you wanted your extra 20 dollars that wouldnt have been a problem,

if you had just made it clear, first come first serve i wouldnt give a fuck. if i say im holding something for someone, i at least give them a chance before i sell out on them. all it would have taken was, calling me and asking me what time i was gonna be there.

20 fucking dollars. jesus fuck. good fucking riddance.