

so you think you are better than everyone else because you act like a cock sucker?

holy shit you must have some relitives on this boardā€¦ :rofl:

December 31, 1985
hyundai tech

A 19 year old hyundai techā€¦wow, youā€™ve really set the world on fire, havenā€™t you?

You donā€™t like his Suzuki. Thatā€™s fucking wonderful. You let us know your opinion (without it being asked for), now shut the fuck up and get off his nuts.

I donā€™t particularly like his Suzuki either, but itā€™s not my concern; and if he doesnā€™t ask for my opinion I wonā€™t throw it at him every chance I get. Why? Because I try not to be a prick. I suggest you TRY doing the same.

Honestly? why are you so worried about me? If your so Superior, which Iā€™m sure you are then why arenā€™t you more mature then to participate in petty E-bullshit? Shouldnā€™t you be out curring cancer or something instead then worrying about some punk ass ā€œgrease monkeyā€ and his internet antics? This is the exact reason why i enjoy acting like a complete cock sucker, because people like you get so up tight. I love it.

ā€œholy shit you must have some relitives on this boardā€¦ :roflā€

This is a prime example. You are way to worried about what other people do and say. Calm down dude. That shit causes heart failure.

Maybe at a keyboard race. Many more benchracers around this place than with anything worth noting at the track or on the street. :rolleyes:

Hmmm, thats nifty idea i guess. But just because the swap is possible, that doesnt mean it will be easy or cheap. Im assuming that an enourmous amount of custom fabrication was needed to perform that V6 transplant. Also, I thought all cateraā€™s were automatics? Or is there a 5 speed that mates up to it?

Iā€™m not worried, Iā€™m just make general observations about your charachter in general from your 60 posts. Pretty much everyone of them have been some kind of douche bag comment which holds no basis. Christ you tell blanyer to get a better car because his is a POS yet you drive a DSM.

As for the family comment, it was made saying there are a few of you on here that think you are ā€œbetter than everyone esleā€ and proclaim it openly.

see Turbo this is what should be in the thread. Not you keep asking him why he went to a chevy dealer, and how much better you are than everyone.

Are the motor mounts direct bolt ons? That would probly be the hardest part. Im guessing that GMā€™s and Suzuki both use the same OBD Diagnostics system? That would be a HUGE set back if they were diffrent.

If that fits, why doesnā€™t a northstar?

i donā€™t know, BUT:

1: a V6 with the same block comes in the Vauxhall Astra.
2: my engine comes in the Astra also.
3: aĀ²+bĀ²=cĀ²

Catera is totally unrelated to the other Caddys. Itā€™s more closely related to euro GMs and the Saturn L-series.

My car is built by GMDAT, and it has a GM engine alreadyā€¦ Suzuki lends nothing but the emblems to my car.

I probably ought to make more sense. I think weā€™ve both seen the northstar in that golf that was making itā€™s way around the message boards a year or so ago. I just wonder if this would be an easier car to put one in.

no idea. iā€™d imagine anything can fit with enough money.

v-10 in a jeep wrangler. anything can fit in anything.

iā€™ve been pondering a 3.8S/C 5spd in a old 80ā€™s 3series BMW that would be fairly cheap and easy if a lt1 fits.

that car looks clean also :3some:

LS1 + E30 = win