oh my… guess il go to good will tonight…

Pick me up a New Kids On the Block Cassette

Here they are:

I really hope I can find one of those mock turtle necks, too. :rofl:

tackiest sweater prize? :x:

I will be a dd if anyone needs one, I will not be at the party, but I will dtive to robinson to drive ANYONE home that can not drive!!! Even if its jeff for the whopping 2 miles away…

I have a truck that fits a good 4-5 people and at least 2 in the back for those who are not conscience.



i hope it snows while we are in there… could lead to an interesting snow ball fight

noobs vs alll???

yah someone needs to show you how to spit game.

cheeks will be the easiest target to hit!

if they look like pucks we dont have to worry about any hitting you

im driving drunk without whiskey dick :bigok:

Im making popcornballs now …man this stuff is hot

got new boots to try out. :bigthumb: wouldn’t be first pittspeed event i walked home from :bowrofl:

If they sound good I could give you my family’s
> recipe for popcorn balls.

Hmm should I come or not…21st birthday party or pittspeed party.

that answer is easy.

ain’t no party like a pittspeed party. The Pinks party was probably one of the craziest party nights I ever experienced. Between jeff walking from South Side to Dormont and brian being well… brian! what a freaking night!

i think you already know the answer

lol, because you have a slapshot that wouldnt go in on a soccer net!!

I think Shaggy has talked me into it.